Clinic for Invasive Cardiology marked World Heart Day, 2018

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This year, the Clinic for Invasive Cardiology, University Clinical Center Tuzla is joining global World Heart Day 2018 campaign.On that occasion, health professionals from the Clinic for Invasive Cardiology today organized activities like measuring blood pressure for citizens, public awareness talks and advices on different preventative steps in downtown of Tuzla.

In speaking to the press afterwards, head of the Clinic for Invasive Cardiology, University Clinical Center Tuzla, Ass. Prof. Elmir Jahić said that cardiovascular diseases prevention in our country is not satisfactory. According to him, countries that have a high quality primary prevention program for cardiovascular diseases also have a significantly lower heart disease mortality rate. “ The message is that there are things that everyone can do to help reduce their own risk factors for heart diseases such as quit smoking, adopting a healthy lifestyle, a reduction of the total body mass, and regular visit to doctor’s office.” he said.

“Our invasive cardiology clinic provides a full range of services dedicated to treating a specific heart condition. The number of inpatient has increased by three times comparing to the year 2013. In 2013 we had 270 patients with intracoronary stents, while in 2017 we had 600 patients who underwent coronary artery stent implantation. In 2013 we had 140 patients who underwent pacemaker implantation, and in 2017 there were 230 patients. Regarding peripheral artery disease diagnosis and treatment, last year we had 160 inpatients, and this year we are expecting this number to be significantly higher.” said Ass. Prof. Elmir Jahić.