Three stem cell transplants done at the Department of Hematology

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During the 16 and 17 June 2016, the transplant team of the Department of Hematology, University Clinical Center Tuzla performed three hematopoietic stem cell transplants to treat cancer.
Allogeneic transplantation from HLA-matched sibling (patient’s brother) was performed to a 53- year-old patient, who suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia and was hospitalized in Sarajevo. The patient was transferred to Tuzla for bone marrow transplantation.
The second, autologous transplantation, was performed in a 24- year-old female patient from Brčko District, who also suferred from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In the absence of HLA-matched sibling, it was decided to do autologous stem cell transplantation as a form of consolidation therapy.
The third female patient aged 53 was also treated at the Department of Hematology from Mantle cell lymphoma, a rare type of non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After autologous stem cell transplant was done,”in vivo purging” with monoclonal antibody -Mabthera/Rituximab was performed.
All three patient, as well as Transplantacija maticnih celija (2)donor, are doing well.