Management of Clinical Center Sarajevo visited Clinical Center Tuzla

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On 18 April, 2017, the team of managers from the University Clinical Center Sarajevo paid a visit to the University Clinical Center Tuzla. The guest were received by the director of University Clinical Center Tuzla Ass. Prof. Nešad Hotić. The aim of the visit was to define the unique principles of successfully integrated health care system in Sarajevo and Tuzla, as well as to improve cooperation between these two institutions.

During the meeting Ass. Prof Nešad Hotić took the opportunity to introduce Prof. Dr. Sebija Izetbegović, director of the University Clinical Center Sarajevo and her associates with the organizational structure and major ongoing projects in our hospital. The most important topics for representatives of two clinical centers was to identify new ways for cooperation and improvement of health care services for our patients.

While addressing the press, Prof. Dr. Sebija Izetbegović said that Clinical Centers Tuzla and Sarajevo are facing the same problems in the healthcare sector, and that the reforming processes of our health care delivery system should move toward rationalization. ” The most important is to determine desired clinical and patients’ pathways to achieve effective health care services delivery.”

“Cooperation between our two clinical centers already exists, said Ass. Prof. Hotić, and added that for some time doctors, specialists from the UKC Tuzla Clinic of Eye Diseases are conducting education and training for colleagues in Sarajevo. On the other hand, we have recently opened the Department of pediatric oncology with the support of colleagues from Sarajevo.”