Euromelanoma 2016

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In the period of 9-13 May 2016, the University Clinical Center Tuzla Clinic for Skin Diseases marked a pan- European prevention campaign against skin cancer. During the campaign, the UKC Tuzla Clinic for Skin Diseases offered a free dermatological examinations of suspicious pigmented lesions of the skin, gave recommendations for follow-up tests (dermatoscopy and surgical excisions with histopathological assessment), and check ups at dermatologists.The patients were recruited to fill out the 18 -question survey on skin cancer risk factors. The collected data are transmitted to a central database in Brussels.

In addition of all activities carried out at the Clinic, through a free public screening and education action our citizens had the opportunity to learn about skin cancer signs and symptoms that require attention, and activities that need to be taken if there are suspected changes in a mole.

The campaign Euromelanoma 2016 was strongly supported by the Association of Medical Students in Tuzla “Medicus” and dermatology specialists of Health centers Srebrenik, Lukavac and Gračanica.

Euromelanoma is annual public awareness campaign for skin cancer prevention that aims to give information on the importance of suspicious lesions detection in the early stages.
Bosnia and Herzegovina became an active member of Euromelanoma in 2011.