Clinic for Neurology marks World Stroke Day, 2017

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The Clinic for Neurology, University Clinical Center Tuzla organized a press conference on the occasion of World Stroke Day, 2017.The press conference is organized for the purposes of distributing quality information to the media and public about the importance of timely recognition of stroke signs and symptoms and early treatment.

According to Prof. Dr. Dževdet Smajlović, head of the Clinic for Neurology, stroke is a serious condition that causes the highest mortality and long- term disability rate. The number of patient hospitalized at the Clinic of Neurology annually ranges from 1600 to 1700, of which 1000 to 1100 patients suffer from stroke, he says.
“Stroke is a common neurological disorder in adults, and at least 50% of the overall capacity of the Clinic for Neurology occupy patients with stroke. I often point the one-third rule in patients with stroke; whatever you do for a patient with stroke, in the first few months, one-third unfortunately dies, one-third remains with disabilities, while only one- third of patients will be able to return to normal life activities”, added Prof. Dr. Smajlović.

Ass. Prof. Zikrija Dostović, chief of Stroke Unit also addressed the press and said that stroke imposed considerable clinical and economic burden on society. He said that a significant step forward in the treatment of stroke was made with introducing thrombolitic therapy at the Clinic, and they endorse a plan for introduction of new method for mechanical thromboectomy of cerebral arteries.

Ass. Prof. Biljana Kojić, doctor from the Department for Cerebrovascular Diseases use an opportunity to explain the importance of prevention and said that primary stroke prevention can prevent up to 80% acute ischemic strokes. Smoking, inadequate physical activity, high blood pressure, lipids, stress and diabetes are changeable and controllable factors. There are some risk factors that cannot be changed or reversed such are age, gender, race and heritage so that older people have a higher tendency towards stroke, and men are more likely than women to suffer a stroke.

Alma Vuleta, head nurse of the Clinic said a few words about the role of nurses in treatment of neurological disorders.
Today’s press conference attended the representatives of the Association of Students of the Faculty of Medicine who organized a public forum in the amphitheater of Medical faculty. The main idea of this forum was to provide our citizens with expert and relevant information about stroke.
As in previous years, all citizens are invited to attend public health events in Bingo City Center and Mercator shopping center in Tuzla on Sunday, 29 October.